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PART 1 : 回答問題  
PART 2 : 圖片描述  
PART 3 : 文章討論  
PART 4 : 閱讀測驗






Evaluation and Demo Class

PART I:  Respond to Questions

A.         Tell me something about yourself.

B.         Tell me about your job.

C.         How long have you been working (studying) for (in) this company (school)?

D.         Are you happy with your job (school)?

E.          What do you do in your spare time? What are your hobbies?

PART II: Reading Comprehension

Please read the article and answer the following questions.

Why Do Women Live Longer than Men

Why Do Women Live Longer than Men 1 Why Do Women Live Longer than Men 2

Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking –related diseases. They drink more and are more aggressive in behavior, particularly when driving cars, so they are more likely to die in accidents. Also they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.

Historically women died in childbirth and men in wars. Hence nuns and philosophers often lived to great ages. Now childbearing is less risky and there are fewer wars. The country with the highest life expectancy is Japan , where the average age for men is 76 and women is 89.

a.     How many years do women live longer than men in general?

b.    What are the reasons that women live longer than men in the article?

c.     Why did nuns and philosophers live longer in the old days?

Discussion Questions:

1.    How long did your grandparents (great-grandparents) live?

2.    In your observation, with people around you, do husbands really die first?

3.    Do you think that boys are the weaker sex at birth?

4.      Do people live longer now? Why?

5.      How is life expectancy different now from the old days? What are the factors that bring about these changes?


As a young fellow, I was in a hurry to hit the top. Like the horse wearing blinders, I raced ahead seeing nothing but the finish line. The years flew by. I had fame, riches, and a loving family. I raced on. I needed more success.

The one day it occurred to me how much I had missed! I thought of friends collected and then neglected; of my library, full of books with uncut pages; of the first steps of my little girls; of their tears I had not the chance to wipe away; of their bright sayings heard only from their mother over the phone; of the vacations promised to my wife and children.

      All this resulted from my mad pursuit of success! Ever since I realized this, I have made it a point to stop now and again to enjoy the scenery. I have come to realize that by going too fast I have missed too much. How lucky I am to have become aware of this precious truth in time to enjoy it!

1.      The best title of the above passage could be _______.

a. The Way to Success            b. Life Is More Than Success

c. Hard Work and Success         d. Enjoyment of Success

2. The main point of the passage is _______.

   a. success can be won only at the cost of enjoyment of life

   b. success can’t be achieved without making efforts

   c. appreciation of life shouldn’t be neglected while pursuing success

   d. success is not worth pursuing at all

3. From the passage we know for sure that ______.

   a. the author was seldom at home

   b. the author has many boys

   c. the author is no longer interested in pursuing success

   d. the author will stop pursuing success

4. The author _______.

   a. didn’t see his daughters take their first steps

   b. was always reading books in his library

   c. has few friends now

   d. never keeps his promises to his wife

5. How did the author become aware that he was wrong in his way of life?

   a. His wife complained to him on the telephone.

   b. His daughters cried over the telephone

   c. One day it came to him when he was alone

   d. It is not mentioned here.

PART IV: Comments from the teacher 

Please pass the appropriate material to the student.


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